How to gain and maintain support for a successful Peer Mediation program at school by Karen Crowley-
Will Hoadley-Brill

Will Hoadley-Brill has always been a peace maker. When he was 10 years old he heard from a friend that he was being bullied and, as Will puts it, “he was filled with rage.” He channeled that rage into a program that he started at school called the “Peace Team” which was an anti-bullying organization. […]
Clayton DiChiro talks about How learning peer mediation skills at an early age helps in adult life
Michael Powell Joins the KMC Board

Michael Powell heads up the AAA® Los Angeles Regional Office, focusing on the AAA’s Construction Division. In this role, he interacts with the AAA’s clients who file construction, real estate and environmental cases and the panelists how serve as arbitrators and mediators in those cases. His district includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, […]
Recent Addition to New Leadership for the Foundation

Ariella Morrison Ariella Morrison also joined the Board in June. She is a volunteer mediator with Centinela Youth Services and currently working as a Senior Staff Attorney with OneJustice focusing on mobilization of pro bono attorneys for detained and non-detained immigrants in Los Angeles County. Previously, she was a volunteer attorney with Michigan Immigrant Rights […]
KMC sponsored trip to the Museum of Tolerance on March 16
Kids Managing Conflict, SCMA Education Foundation sponsored four Southern California Schools on March 16 to the Museum of Tolerance. The students were able to have a guided tour of the Museum and then hear from a Holocaust survivor in person. They were all profoundly moved by the experience and you can get their impressions in […]
New Leadership for the Foundation
At the dinner Maria recounted the accomplishments of the Foundation, observing that it had been a year of considerable growth and change, and that growth into new levels of activity often needed new leadership as well. “So, as of January 1, the Foundation will have that new leadership, someone I am thrilled to see […]
A. Marco Turk Received the Foundation Directors’ Award
A. Marco Turk, teacher and international peacebuilder, was named the recipient of the Foundation’s 2017 Directors’ Award for Exemplary Contributions to Mediator Education. A. Marco Turk In accepting the award Prof Turk related an experience he had with students on Cyprus where he was a Fulbright Scholar, who told him that they wanted peace, that […]
Foundation Board Chair Receives SCMA President’s Award
Maria Simpson, Ph.D. received the SCMA President’s Award from Jason Harper, President of the Southern California Mediation Association, at the SCMA’s conference dinner Friday, October 20 for her leadership of the Foundation. SCMA President’s Award Maria has been the Board Chair since 2013. She has focused on increasing efforts to support Peer Mediation Programs […]
We Have a New Look! We are now Kids Managing Conflict/SCMA Education Foundation!

Our new look makes what the Foundation does clearer and more specific, and sums up our focus. It also reflects our revised mission statement: “Supporting and promoting programs in K-12 schools that teach students conflict management skills to enrich their lives into adulthood.” We’re certainly not giving up the SCMA Education Foundation name or connection. […]