2019 Symposium on Kids Managing Conflict
Thursday, April 25, 2019
The California Endowment, 1000 Alameda Street
Downtown LA next to Union Station
A day-long conference for everyone interested in giving students the life skills in conflict resolution and mediation they need for academic, personal, and professional success.
Last year’s conference was a great success!
Great Ideas!
Lots of energy!
We need a longer conference!
And we’re building on that success.
This year’s conference includes:
- a Keynote Panel on the wide variety of conflict resolution programs available, how they differ, and what to look for in choosing the right program for your school.
- sessions focusing on starting and sustaining a program, including why and how programs end and the impact on the students and school of losing a program.
- information on documenting the nature of conflict, type of resolution, and impact so that the value of the program is measured and can be presented in fund-raising efforts.
- open discussion on shared best practices.
- exhibitors who will explain the wide variety of available programs and provide gifts to attendees.
- a panel of current and past Peer Mediators to discuss the impact of being a mediator while still in school and as a professional in any area.
KMC is honored to have Ellen Pais, past CEO of Los Angeles Education Partnership as the keynote speaker.
Ellen’s lifelong involvement in improving schools makes her the expert on why conflict resolution programs are so important to personal and professional success. They are also vital to creating educational equity so that all students have the same skills with which to manage their social/emotional behavior and can avoid the early disciplinary actions that can misdirect their energy and activity and interrupt their educational lives.
Ellen will have a great deal of valuable information for us to take back to our schools.
Sponsor an attendee for the day $75 Donate Here
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